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Gift Ideas for a Fencer

Need some help finding the perfect gift for a fencer, whether for the end-of-year holidays or any other occasion? Prieur offers you a selection of products for all budgets that will delight all the fencers (epee, saber and foil fencers) in your circle!

P.S.: You can also use this as inspiration to add ideas to your own Christmas list or share this list without moderation around you to guide your loved ones to the ideal gift! 🎁

Our favorites:

Silver AG+ T-Shirt
Moblilight Bag
Rally Bag

For small budgets:

fil de corps épée FIE
Body Cord
Small Bag - 1 Weapon
Foam Sabers (Pack of 2)

More Ideas

Epee Gifts
Foil Gifts
Sabre Gifts

Regardless of the weapon practiced, choose a mask or a mounted weapon and be sure to please!

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