Interview with Gabrielle FOSCHINI, the Italian champion
We present the interview we conducted with our champion Prior Gabriele FOSCHINI in collaboration with our exclusive distributor in Italy: Top Fencing Italia
Can you introduce yourself in a few words?
Hello everyone, my name is Gabriele Foschini. I am an athlete of the italian saber national team, military world champion and european u23 champion.
At what age did you start fencing ?
I started fencing at the age of 10.
Why fencing ?
By chance in my country some friends of mine had tried this sport and introduced me to this wonderful discipline !

You are a professional soldier, would you say that your profession is an asset or a hindrance for the preactise of saber ?
Thanks to the army sports group i managed to become a professional. It also provides me with medical support and whatever i need on a sporting level.
At first, how did you hear about Prieur ?
I was in Nancy for the military world championships and during the breaks in the competition i saw this beautiful stand of material with beautiful colors. I approached and touched the incredible comfort of these materials.
You are part of the Prieur team in Italy, a team that gathers high level fencers but also potential future hopefuls of fencing and that have a common point, it is to share the values of our brand. Namely, competitiveness, surpassing oneself but also the respect of others.
How do you see these values being put into pratice in fencing ?
These are the principles that should always be there in all sports fortunately in fencing and I hope forever we athletes have to preserve them.
What are the qualities of Prieur equipment for you ?
As I said before, the fantastic comfort of the materials and the lightness of the sabers especially the titanium one make a fantastic mix of pleasure for training and competitions.
Do you think that the choice of equipment plays a role in the success of a match and the race to win?
Sure that yes ! During competitions but above all in training, having functional and high quality things raises the level of training and the probability of victory in the race.

Often fefore each big competition or match, athletes have a rather superstitious ritual. Is this the case for you? What do you do before a match, how do you prepare?
It would be a secret but given your great availability I reveal it to you, during the week of the race I do not play on the playstation (I am a big video game enthusiast) and on the day of the race I always bring the same water and some chocolate that I give my grandparents. during the warm-up I have a very long ritual made of mobility and music that have always been the same since I was 15 years old. Let’s say i’m a conservator.
According to you, what are the essential qualities to become a champion?
Seriousness in training, the right material, a good teacher and many friends to train are the first essential things to become champions Then it takes a lot of decision but above all a great desire to be the best.
You are a world military saber champion, what are your dreams for the future?
I want to be the next olympic champion !
If you had one regret, what would it be?
I have no regrets. I have no regrets all the experiences both good and bad have led me to be the person.
And what makes you most proud?
The thing that makes me most proud is knowing that so many people look at me as an example of an athlete as a role model.
You collaborate with our exclusive distributor in Italy, Top Fencing and in particular with Manuela and Fabio, can you tell us a little about your relationship and the support and follow-up they offer you?
Manuela and Fabio as well as being two fantastic and super competent people, they make me feel at home This is one of the reasons why I chose to continue this fantastic collaboration they are always close to me and even when I write to them at any time they answer me they listen to me and they support me in my daily days, I thank them very much and I am sorry not to have met them before.
Thank you very much Gabriele for giving us this interview.
We wish you all the best for the future and many more medals with Prieur of course. 😉